Founder of Gentle Birth Method
Consultations and treatments as appropriate.

£300 – Consultation and Treatment (90 minutes)

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Dr Gowri Motha

Dr Marie Gowri Motha is a world-renowned childbirth pioneer. She worked as an NHS obstetrician in London for 14 years and conducted the first documented water birth in a London NHS hospital in 1987. She identified the special needs of pregnant women’s bodies and minds and began to explore alternatives to conventional obstetric practice. She founded the Gentle Birth Method in London in 1986 with the aim to make mother’s ‘birth-fit’ using her specific combination of specific treatments, self-hypnosis and visualisation ‘The Gowri Method’, diet and supplements, which have been proven by thousands of births to work. . She has developed her unique programme over the years and loves helping giving mothers the ability and confidence that they can give birth in a calm, intimate and bonding way. She also has developed fertility and post-natal recovery protocols.

Dr Motha’s acclaimed book, the ‘Gentle Birth Method’, was published in 2004 followed by ‘The Gentle First Year’ in 2006.

Renowned natural childbirth pioneer Dr Yehudi Gordon strongly recommends her work and her clients have included a number of celebrities including Elle McPherson and Gwyneth Paltrow.