Gentle Birth Method Pregnancy and Post-Natal Massage and Treatments (with Creative Healing),
Pregnancy Reflexology,
Gentle Birth Method Hypnobirthing (Self-hypnosis & Visualisation)
Additional Therapies Craniosacral Therapy and Baby Massage

£150 - Treatment (90 minutes)

For appointments e-mail:


Paola Titiksha Terzolo

Born in Genoa-Italy and resident in London. Paola has travelled extensively across India, Nepal and went to Tibet. Her travelling has been a great inspiration for her career and personal development. She studied in Manipal in the state of Karnataka in south India at the Kasturba Hospital in the Department of Ayurveda where she specialised in some of the Panchakarma treatments and Ayurvedic Massage.

She carried on her studies in London in Craniosacral Therapy, Manual Lymphatic Drainage (Vodder Method) and Kundalini Yoga. She then met Dr Gowri Motha and studied Creative Healing specialising in Pregnancy & Postnatal Massage.

Paola believes in our body healing mechanisms encouraging mindfulness and providing a safe therapeutic space with appropriate bodywork skills.

She is currently undergoing more training in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy with Franklyn Sills at the Karuna Institute in Devon. She is a qualified IAIM Infant Massage Instructor teaching mothers how to massage new-borns also combining some basic Craniosacral Therapy principles.

Paola, together with Dr Gowri and the Gentle Birth Method Team, has tailored the Ayurvedic Postnatal Signature treatment and she has been travelling abroad supporting mothers who wanted to benefit from the Gentle Birth Method Postnatal Program. She has also developed the Ayurvedic Postnatal Massage course in a format to be taught in small groups to therapists and health professionals.