Dr Gowri Motha
Marina Matuschewski
Sigita Bielskyte
Paola Titiksha Terzolo


The Gentle Birth Method

The Gentle Birth Method helps mothers have an enjoyable pregnancy, a gentle birth and a calm baby. It is a 360-degree programme that aims to prepare mothers and fathers for a gentle birth – physically, mentally and emotionally – and helps babies feel safe within the womb.

Birthing is a very special function of a mother’s body and as such it needs special care and preparation in order for the contractions to be manageable and birthing to be an empowering experience. The Gentle Birth Method was established by Dr Marie Gowri Motha in 1986. It offers a practical and effective week-by-week mind-body programme to celebrate pregnancy and give mothers the ability and confidence that they can give birth in a calm, intimate and bonding way.

The programme is designed to make mothers ‘birth-fit’ by working on all levels:

1. Physical Condition: Dr Motha has identified specific treatments, diet, supplements and oils in order for the mother’s body to be ‘birth-fit’. The main treatments offered at the Kailash Centre are:

- Gentle Birth Method Pregnancy Massage (Creative Healing)
- Pregnancy Reflexology

Depending on the mother’s need of the day the practitioners combine different treatments as appropriate. The GBM therapists may also integrate additional therapies as necessary e.g. Bowen technique, Fascia unwinding for the birthing areas, and Craniosacral therapy

- (Guidelines and products are available online and from the therapists)

2. Mental attitude and Emotional Bonding: Gentle Birth Method Hypnobirthing to remove of fear of the birth process; installing confidence that the mother’s body can give birth; and deepening bonding. (Online, live weekly classes)

Dr Motha, and her personally trained practitioners offer this programme during pregnancy all the way to birth. We also offer fertility and postnatal treatments.

GBM Pregnancy Massage (Creative Healing)

A hands-on massage technique that puts the whole body into hypnosis, helps the body to heal and restores function to the treated area. The treatments offer lymphatic drainage to clear congestion, restore energy lines and optimise physiological function. Our practitioners offer these treatments as an intrinsic part of the Gentle Birth Method.

WHEN: As early as needed in pregnancy.

Pregnancy Reflexology

Pinpoint therapeutic foot massage that targets precise reflex points that correspond to areas of the body.

Reflexology is the most powerful tool in the programme to prepare pregnant mothers for birth. It is used to prevent pregnancy related conditions e.g. heartburn, insomnia, swelling. It normalises body functions, helps with fluid drainage, aids digestion and improves oxygenation to the baby. Can also help during labour to intensify contractions and shorten labour.

WHEN: After 16 weeks when the placenta is fully established.